====== yuki's lair. ====== Bienvenue sur ce wiki avec mes idées. Beaucoup de worldbuilding et d'idées bizarres. Welcome to this wiki with my ideas. A lot of worldbuilding and weird ideas. ===== About ===== * [[user:yuki]] * [[now]] * [[contact]] * [[licensing]] * [[hardware]] ===== Docs and knowledge base ===== * [[Fedibot|Run a fediverse bot]] * [[Netboot]] * [[home|Notes about proper use of my home network]] * [[linux|Best Linux distros]] * [[fediqc|Le fédivers québécois]] :ca_qc: * [[ressourcesqc|Liste de ressources québécoises]] :ca_qc: * [[gobi2000|Install a Qualcomm Gobi 2000 on a Thinkpad on Linux]] * [[snippets|Useful snippets to put in your ~/.local/bin]] ===== Current projects ===== * [[Videoway:|The Vidéoway Revival Project]] * [[HTPC:|Yuki's Guide to Home Theater PCs]] * [[htpc:iptv|Yuki's IPTV List]] * [[Fonts]] ===== Writing ===== * [[Zarmina:]] * [[yukiverse:|The Yukiverse]] * [[Date|Date and time format]] * [[sitelen Kana]] (''tok-Jpan'') * [[shavien|Notes on Shavian conlanging]] (''fr-CA-Shaw'') :ca_qc: ===== Experiments ===== * [[tarpit|Click here if you're a bot]] ===== Blog posts ===== {{rss>https://a39.ca/rss/}} ===== Other wikis ===== * [[dug>|Dans une galaxie près de chez vous]] * [[music2000>|Music 2000]]