~~NOCACHE~~ // This creates infinite links for crawler bots to follow, full of absolute nonsense so AI can choke on it. Basically, it just picks words from a dictionary at random from a set seed. // Script by Yuki, licensed under LiLiQ-R. Feel free to use it on your site! // http://yuki.social/wiki/ $dict = "/usr/share/dict/american-english"; $count_min = 2000; $count_max = 5000; $linkcount_min = 2; $linkcount_max = 8; $paragraphs = 250; // Config ends here, but the fun is only starting. $words = explode("\n", file_get_contents($dict)); $num_words = count($words); $seed = 0; if(isset($_GET["_"])) { $strs = explode("-", $_GET['_']); $nums = array_map(fn($s) => array_search($s, $words), $strs); $j=1; $seed = array_reduce($nums, fn($c, $i) => $c + $i * $num_words ** ++$j); } mt_srand($seed); for($i=0;$i
":" "); } $links = []; for($i=1;$i<=mt_rand($linkcount_min,$linkcount_max);$i++) { $nums = []; $n = mt_rand(); while($n > 0) { $nums[] = $n % $num_words; $n = intdiv($n,$num_words); } $w = implode("-", array_map(fn($s) => $words[$s], $nums)); $links[] = "".$i.""; } echo "

".implode(" / ", $links);